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May 25, 2024

Venerable Robina Courtin - The Boundless Potential of the Human Heart

Venerable Robina Courtin - The Boundless Potential of the Human Heart

The Transformative Journey of Venerable Robina Courtin: Insights from "Don't Quit On Me" Podcast The latest episode of "Don't Quit On Me," is an  an extraordinary conversation with Venerable Robina Courtin, a Buddhist nun whose life epitomizes...

The Transformative Journey of Venerable Robina Courtin: Insights from "Don't Quit On Me" Podcast

The latest episode of "Don't Quit On Me," is an  an extraordinary conversation with Venerable Robina Courtin, a Buddhist nun whose life epitomizes the boundless potential of the human heart. Her journey from a rebellious youth in Melbourne, Australia, to becoming a beacon of wisdom and compassion in the Tibetan Gelugpa tradition is nothing short of inspirational.

**A Beacon of Compassion and Wisdom**

Born into a conventional background, Robina's early life was characterized by a relentless quest for truth and freedom. This journey took her from contemplating a life as a Carmelite nun through the pathways of feminist activism and prisoners' rights to eventually studying martial arts. However, it was the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, discovered somewhat serendipitously, that resonated with her spirit of service and justice, marking the beginning of a profound transformation.

Since her ordination in the late 1970s, Venerable Robina has dedicated her life to teaching and working tirelessly for the Foundation for Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition. Her editorial work and her leadership at the Liberation Prison Project have left an indelible mark on the spread of Buddhist teachings in the West.

**The Path to Enlightenment through Adversity**

Throughout the podcast, Robina shares her engaging life story, highlighting her transition from a "radical lesbian separatist feminist" to a devoted Buddhist nun. What stands out is her emphasis on using adversity as a path for enlightenment. Robina candidly speaks about her past, filled with exploration and rebellion, tracing her steps towards a life dedicated to the Dharma.

Her journey is a testament to the transformative power of Buddhist practice, proving that enlightenment is accessible to all, regardless of their past. Robina's approachable teaching style continues to inspire students around the globe, embodying the essence of turning suffering into a path for spiritual awakening.

**Meditation, Compassion, and the Power of Mind**

The conversation around the importance of meditation, dealing with 'crazy energy', and understanding the nature of self. Robina eloquently describes the process of becoming aware of one’s inherent 'crazy energy', learning to control one’s behavior, and eventually harnessing this energy for productive actions.

The conversation delves into the concepts of self-hatred and self-cherishing and explores how these seemingly contradictory feelings coexist within us. Robina draws from Buddhism's vast well of knowledge to explain these phenomena, highlighting the Buddha's teachings as a practical guide for transforming our minds.

**In Practice: A Lesson from Prison**

Perhaps the most moving part of the discussion is Robina's recount of Sunny Jacobs, author of "Stolen Time", a woman wrongly placed on death row, who embodies the principles of Buddhism by mastering the art of controlling her mind under dire circumstances. Sunny’s story serves as a powerful illustration of the human capacity for resilience and transformation through the practice of mindfulness and compassion, even in the most challenging situations.

Robina's reflections on the importance of compassion, both for oneself and others, and the practice of meditation offer deep insights into the path to liberation. Her life and teachings serve as a vivid reminder that the journey towards enlightenment is within reach for everyone, requiring only the willingness to embrace change and the dedication to pursue truth.


Venerable Robina appearance on "Don't Quit On Me" podcast offers a profound look into the life of a woman who has transformed her every trial into a step towards enlightenment. Her narrative is not just a story of personal triumph but a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to find peace, understanding, and compassion in their lives. Through her experiences, we learn that with mindfulness and determination, the path to spiritual awakening is a journey that all of us can undertake.